Our Mission

To invite people who are in need of peace and connection to spend time with, groom, work with, and walk with French Fry. If you suffer from anxiety, PTSD, Depression, or trauma - we'd love to meet you.My hope is that I can build a bridge so people who need extra support can have access to the peace horses can bring by simply existing in the same space as you. 501(c)(3) status pending.

Visit French Fry

French Fry

French Fry's Story

French Fry was born February 28th, 201 and he was born to be a racehorse.

He had one start at Santa Anita Park on October 5th 2017 and finished 10th (last). The notes on his race stat sheet from that day said "FRENCH TRICK fractious in the gate, hesitated to be away behind the field, saved ground and was always outrun"

He tried but was always outrun. He fell behind the pack just like so many of us who deal with incapacitating anxiety or depression. We try to push through and catch up it's just harder for us. 

He loves to run but racing just wasn't for him. Now he lives in a quaint little barn with a handful of horses he's growing fonder of every day. He gets daily visits from me and weekly visits with the kids and people that want to meet & spend time with him.

To try to explain how this big guy has impacted my day to day life would be impossible. He's gentle, he's smart, he's sensitive, and if he had the choice between a pasture full of grass or some love from his favorite person - he'd choose the latter. 

I'm so grateful he's my first horse. I don't think there could ever be a better horse for me.

Become a Sponsor

Can't make it out to meet French Fry but still want to help us in our mission?

One bag of grain (2.5 bags monthly): $36
One bag of Tru Gain (2 bags monthly): $34
Monthly Board: $450

Add your address to your donation and you'll receive a photo postcard of French Fry in the mail as a thank you!


My Story

My name's Katherine but I go by Kat. I'm a single mom, a full time business owner, and now a horse owner!

(I can't belive I can say that)

Most of my life - since I was 16 - has been spent raising my kids and being a wife. There was little time for me to get to know who I was and how the trauma that occured before I had my son might affect me in the future if I didn't deal with it. I had no idea I would be sitting here 17 years later finally confronting and working through everything I experienced in my early teens.

I'm a survivor of sex trafficking and sexual assault. My experiences have caused me to be hyperaware, highly sensitive, highly emotional, and guarded. I've been diagnosed with anxiety, ADHD, PTSD and depression.

As I've worked through my trauma I've noticed that finding a happy place in my mind when I'm experiencing an anxiety attack or depressive episode helps me come back to myself. The place I visit most is back home in Michigan with the horses.

I spent some time living with my aunt and uncle in eastern Michigan as a pre-teen and they introduced me to horses. I got to spend my days taking care of and riding them. When my mind was jumbled and I missed my mom, I'd just go out to the barn. The quiet, the way horses can just be - I envied it.

At 34, I'm still working through things I don't understand. I seek out the peace and quiet when everything feels loud and it helps.

I never thought I'd find this feeling again or that it would be accesible to me, but here I am. My goal now is to make this feeling accessible to people just like me.

French Fry's Wishlist

Amazon Wishlist